
The process of mastering English includes two concepts: acquisition and learning. However, in the Chinese context, the term “英语学习” (English learning) broadly encompasses both these concepts. For learners who cannot distinguish between acquisition and learning, this term can be misleading. The word "学习" (learning) tends to be understood as a process aimed at achieving immediate results, thereby overlooking the long-term, subtle, and natural process emphasized by "习得" (acquisition).

What is the immediate effect of learning?

It is the noticeable progress or results achieved in a short time through conscious and systematic learning methods. Examples include memorizing vocabulary, completing exercises, passing exams, or improving a skill in the short term. These effects are usually measurable, specific, and can show significant progress within a short period.

When you see tweets like this:

"An important way to learn English is to immerse yourself in the language environment. For example, watching English short dramas without needing Chinese subtitles because the dialogues are very practical and everyday. Moreover, short dramas are enjoyable, following the typical web novel logic."

Is watching English short dramas as described above learning? No, it is acquisition. Using the term “英语学习” (English learning) introduces the expectation of learning, thus distorting the behavior of acquisition. For instance, you might pause to add new words to a vocabulary list and review them later according to the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. Originally, you were enjoying the short dramas, but these interruptions can make the experience less enjoyable, making it easy to lose interest and fail to achieve the large amount of input required for acquisition.

When you are reading English tweets, is it learning or acquisition? It is acquisition. The same applies when watching English short videos, podcasts, or reading English leisure books.

Acquisition emphasizes a natural, immersive, and subconscious process, where you enjoy and follow human nature without thinking. When engaging in acquisition, do not have the expectations of learning.

The characteristic of acquisition is the need for a large amount of comprehensible input. With enough input, forgetting is naturally minimized. How can acquisition achieve a large amount of input? For instance, watching English short dramas is enjoyable, and consistently watching them keeps you engaged. Using plugins to read mixed Chinese and English tweets can also be enjoyable. The core idea is that enjoyment facilitates English acquisition.

The words you use to describe the process of mastering English reflect your understanding and attitude towards the essence of “英语学习” (English learning). Each expression not only describes different paths to mastering English but also implies an understanding of the complexity, long-term nature, and diversity of language mastery. Choosing the right term is both a positioning of learning methods and an expression of expectations for the development of English proficiency.

Distinguishing between the concepts of acquisition and learning is not about choosing one over the other; both are necessary. It is important to clearly understand your strategies and expectations in the process of mastering English.

Related Concepts:

  • English acquisition refers to the process of acquiring English naturally and subconsciously.
  • English learning refers to the process of learning English through conscious and systematic methods.


