形式中文Formalized Chinese可以作为英语学习的一种渐进式框架。语言学习的本质是为了表达,表达分口语表达和书面表达,形式中文仅限于书面表达。许多学习者不愿用英文表达主要原因是词汇量的缺乏,如果需要你用全英文表达某个观点,词汇缺乏下,需要不断地查字典找单词,这种糟糕的写作体验下是没有人喜欢用英文表达,更别说感受形式语言之美了


English learners have to face the 问题 of 词汇缺乏. But the 积累 of 词汇 is 长期的 过程. The various 方法s of 记忆单词 have been being created. The 目标 of most of 方法s is only for 考试 and if the 应试 go to end and they will forget words forever. Because 忘记 of 痛苦 is 保护机制 of humans for themselves.

English learners have to face the problem of 词汇缺乏. But the 积累ing 词汇 is a 长期的 process. The various methods of 记忆ing words have been being created. The goal of most of methods is only for exams and if the learning for exams is over and they will forget the words forever. Because forgetting of 痛苦 is a 保护机制 of humans for themselves.

English learners have to face the problem of lacking vocabulary. However, the accumulating words is a long-term process. The various methods of memorizing words have been being created. The goal of most of methods is only for exams and if the learning for exams is over and they will forget the words forever. Because forgetting of pain is a self-protective way of humans.




