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降维的目的是可读,可理解。将英文文本中不认识的英文单词找到一个合适中文词语替换,这个单词的含义是在上下文中的是确定的,不是多义的。 翻译的次数多了,生词慢慢的变成熟词,熟悉到你想偷懒不翻译了(看到单词不需要中文就能得对应概念),这个过程才是真正意义上的记单词




The greatest losses of all are those from missed opportunities. If all your money is tied up in your house, you may be forced to work harder because your money continues blowing out of the expense column, instead of adding to the asset column, the classic middle class cash flow pattern. If a young couple would put more money into their asset column early on, their later years would get easier, especially as they prepared to send their children to college. Their assets would have grown and would be available to help cover expenses.


The greatest 损失s of all are those from missed 机会s. If all your money is 绑ed up in your house, you may be 强迫ed to work harder because your money 持续s 流ing out of the 支出 栏, instead of adding to the 资产 栏, the 典型的 middle 阶级 cash flow 模式. If a young 夫妻 would put more money into their 资产s column early on, their later years would get easier, especially as they 准备ed to send their children to 大学. Their 资产s would have 增长ed and would be available to help cover 支出s.

column在文章中出现3次,第一次我不熟,翻译,第二次又出现了熟悉了一点,翻译一下吧,第三次熟了,不翻译了。这是简化描述英文翻译为形式中文的流程, 不同的人需要的次数不一样,跟着自己感觉走就可以了,觉得熟悉就不翻译了。当我们翻译的次数越来越多,熟悉的单词就会越来越多,多到某个程度时形式中文就会变回英文原文